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Arabella Van Helsen - Tee

Arabella Van Helsen - Tee

Regular price $55.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $55.00 USD
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Unleash the power of art with our Skull Island Dreams T-shirt. This shirt, inspired by Dürer and Dalí, features a detailed skull adorned with motifs reminiscent of Klimt and Matisse. Surrounding are biblical tales in the style of Giotto and Caravaggio, paired with Bible verses and motivational phrases. With colors that unites Expressionism and Impressionism, this shirt bolsters strength and faith. #SkullIslandDreams #ArtisticTee #DurerInspired #DaliDreams #BiblicalTales #MotivationalFashion #StreetwearArt #FaithfulWear #Expressionism #Impressionism
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